Are you tired of feeling like you have to shop at certain stores to look good? Are you on a tight budget but still want to look fabulous? Yes, you heard that right. As a stylist with years of experience, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter where you shop. You can still look fantastic, whether TJ Maxx or Neiman Marcus. I’m going to tell you why in today’s blog post.
Today, I want to talk to you about why where you shop doesn’t matter. It’s all about understanding yourself and your style.
When you truly understand yourself or your client’s style, it doesn’t matter where you get your clothes. You’re not just picking up something because it’s trendy or expensive. You’re picking out pieces that express who you are or your client. For example, I’m a little bit business, a little bit bougie, but I’m also a little messy and rough. I’m rough on my clothes. When I truly know myself, I don’t need to wear designer shoes to feel good about myself. My Adidas sneakers work just fine because they reflect my style. As a stylist, when you understand your client, you can find clothes that work for them, regardless of where you shop.
The second reason it doesn’t matter where you shop is that it’s about how you style it. If you know how to put together an outfit, it will look good, no matter where it came from. It’s all about how you put it together. I follow this girl on Instagram, and she gets all of her clothes from Goodwill or thrift stores and looks more relaxed than Carrie Bradshaw. That’s right; you can look fabulous in a thrifted outfit. When I used to teach styling courses, we gave our students a challenge to create a look, and one piece had to come from Goodwill. The students found these unique pieces that just looked magical.
Finally, money can’t buy you style but it can buy you a good stylist. Dressing head to toe in designer clothes is easy when you have the money, but it’s not always the best choice. A good stylist knows how to mix high-end designer pieces with affordable pieces to create a cohesive look. It’s not about how much money you spend but how you put it all together. I’ve had clients addicted to labels that they thought they had to have the most expensive white t-shirt. That’s just not true. Investing in a stylist who can help you find pieces that work for you, regardless of the price, is much better.
It doesn’t matter where you shop. It’s all about understanding yourself or your client’s style, knowing how to style it, and investing in a good stylist. So next time you’re shopping, remember you don’t have to break the bank to look good. Just be true to yourself, and the rest will fall into place.