For the first time in a long time, life is starting to feel somewhat “normal.”
Note the air quotes because after a year+ of pandemic life – nothing is normal.
But with lockdowns loosening and more people getting vaccinated, we are no longer Zoom prisoners.
We are free to roam about the cabin, albeit masked, but clothing is definitely a requirement.
That’s right; we’ve got to hang up the sweats and put away the leggings because it’s real clothes time.
Chances are the clothing in your closet either doesn’t fit, or it’s no longer you. I mean, an entire year has passed, and it was traumatic AF.
Let’s emerge from our Zoom cocoons in style.
It will be like the 2021 version of the roaring ’20s after the 1918 pandemic.
More style, more confidence, and hopefully more joy.
After a year of NOT getting dressed, you probably have no clue where to start. Lucky for you, I have you covered.
As you know, my book Style Therapy hits shelves on Tuesday!! Grab yourself a copy because the book will take you from zero style to your signature style in thirty days.
Need more help than that? Well, you’re in luck!
Starting Monday, May 3rd, I will go live EVERY SINGLE DAY for thirty days inside Style Confidence Collective to guide you through the book.
Yep, I will be there to guide you and to hold you accountable for thirty days.
Grab your book, grab your membership, and I’ll see you on Monday, May 3rd.