This book is all about beauty, which is a topic I am in no way an expert on and at one time didn’t give two shits about, but I’ve come to realize just how important of a role hair, skincare, and makeup play into your overall appearance and personal style.
So for the past couple of years, I have been focusing more on those areas and man what a difference it’s made.
It has been a journey and a struggle but making these changes have improved my look tremendously.
Where do I even begin when it comes to my hair? Seriously. I am mixed and have struggled with my hair my entire life. I never knew how to do my hair and most of my time were spent wishing I had different hair. From hot combs to relaxers, to dreads, to braids, to color, from short to long, back to short. I’ve done it all.
I’ve had my hair accidentally dyed blue, and I’ve had it purposefully dyed blue (it also promptly fell right out of my head- there were real tears).
I’ve cried over my hair more times than I care to count and I’ve spent YEARS searching for the perfect hair stylist.
After a good thirty-something years I finally found not one but two amazing hair stylists.
Investing in my hair, learning about hair, and understanding my limitations have been huge. I finally love my hair. Those are words I never thought I would say.
Again, STRUGGLE. Can we say adult acne? I had pimples as a teen, but they got so much worse as an adult.
I tried every drugstore remedy available, slept with toothpaste on my face, changed my diet, everything!!
It wasn’t until I finally decided to go to a dermatologist, that’s when I started to see a change.
I was put on loads of prescription acne medications, but then one day I decided I didn’t want to. I invested in actually taking care of my skin – quality cleanser, serums, lotions, eye cream, etc.
Today I get compliments on my skin! Again something I thought I would never experience.
Another area of suckdom. Makeup was always something I wanted to embrace and wanted to be good at, but it seemed too darn hard.
Don’t get me wrong I would wear makeup, but it would be all types of wrong.
I won’t say that I have mastered makeup, but I am learning through regular visits to the makeup counter (high end – they have the most knowledge) and good old YouTube videos.
So what does all of this have to do with style? It helps you to create that total package.
Not only do you look better when every aspect of your appearance in on point, you feel better too. Feeling better boosts your confidence and helps you naturally step your game up.
Start thinking about your style as a total package. Can you make improvements to your hair, makeup, or skin to improve your overall look? A haircut or color may just give your current wardrobe a new edge. I just got my haircut earlier this week, and I am feeling edgy AF.
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