I talk a lot of about Style Slumps, but what is a style slump anyways?
Well, it can take shape in a few different ways:
For some reason, you feel completely uninspired when it comes to getting dressed. It’s not that you need convincing on the importance of style. You LIKE fashion, and you LIKE getting dressed, yet you are reaching for that same pair of skinny jeans and cleanest/comfiest tee shirt in your closet.
You’ve gained some weight, and the thought of being taunted by your too-tight wardrobe isn’t something you’re in the mood for – like at all. So instead you reach for something you know will fit and you keep wearing that outfit again and again and again. If you acknowledge that you need new clothes, then your weight gain will be a reality.
Everything in your closet sucks, and you don’t have the money to invest in your style, so you punish yourself by wearing the same boring stuff in your closet. Those items no longer suit you or where you’re going in life.
These slumps suck because you know you’re wrong for what you have on. You know you should do better, but dammit, you just can’t seem to get it together.
I am going through a slump right now! I know, me the stylist going through a style slump.
My life is changing, and I’m entering a new stage of my boss-hood. I need to dress the part, but when I wake up the in the morning, I just don’t wanna.
Eventually, you get to a point where enough is enough. You have to face the facts and do something about it.
Because living in “slumptitude” has a snowball effect on the rest of your life.
You suddenly want to sleep in a little longer.
You don’t want to eat as healthy.
Going out sounds exhausting, so you stay in and become a hermit.
Getting dressed and feeling good about it makes you feel alive! When I know I look cute, no one can stop me. No one!!
Here are a few tips for blasting through a style slump.
Knowing is the half the battle when it comes to these style slump periods. Keep a close watch on what you’re wearing and take notice of how you feel and how you’re perceived.
Can you shake yourself from this slump or do you need help? There is nothing wrong with getting help. There are areas in my life where I know I’m too far gone to get out on my own. So I invest in a class or hire a coach.
The worst thing you can do when you are in a Style Slump is to haphazardly clean out your closet, and run to the mall. No, no, no, no, no. You will get a temporary high, but in the end, you’ll be super disappointed.
This leads me to a very special announcement I’d like to make …
I wrote a new book!! It’s called The Style Solution: 30-Days To Your Signature Style. It’s a personal style planner that will help guide you through a style transformation.
This book isn’t out yet! I’ll be releasing it this fall, but my PSU Ladies get it now and for free.
If you are already a PSU member, the book is inside the program and linked on our Private Facebook page.
If you aren’t a member and want to be, when you join a copy of my book will be inside waiting for you.