Yay or Nay: Peplum Tops

Remember when peplum tops were like THE popular item to have? Everyone and their mother was rocking a peplum top. In those days, peplums were a super extreme and exaggerated silhouette.

Today, peplum tops aren’t the hot must-have item, but does that mean they are completely out of style? One of my YouTube viewers wanted to know …

Are peplum tops in or out?


My answer isn’t a straight-up yes or no. Find out what I have to say about peplum tops in today’s video.

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One thought on “Yay or Nay: Peplum Tops”

  1. I was never a fan of the large exaggerated peplums. I like them toned down as you said. I have a small waist and not big hips and it definitely gives me more of a hour-glass shape and if the peplum is pleated it adds nice detail.

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