I used to take great pride in being able to do everything myself. In my eyes, getting help was for the birds. Boy was I wrong. After years and years of muscling my way through life, I crashed. You see I am the type of girl who will keep driving forward even if there is a giant brick wall in my way. In many respects, this attitude has served me well, but when that energy isn’t properly channeled, it’s bad news bears.
I remember my most epic business crash so clearly, it was a life-changing and eye-opening experience for me.
Running two businesses is no easy task, doing it “alone” is even harder. Mind you, I have a business partner and a team that helps me, but I was trying to “figure it all out” myself and the weight of the world was seemingly on my shoulders – revenue was down, people weren’t acting right, and I was so tired.
During my monthly business mastermind group, my mentor asked the group to do a 30-second elevator pitch on ourselves. Not our businesses but on ourselves. I can’t stand talking about myself. After our pitch, the group had to critique what we said. When my turn came around I was so nervous, and God only knows what came out of my mouth. The one thing I do remember is what my mentor said.
He said, “Your self-esteem is in the toilet, and your confidence is set at zero.”
I was shocked. I always considered myself to be a confident woman, but apparently I was lying to myself. The rest of the group weighed in and the way they saw me was quite different than how I saw myself. They saw me as this incredible, smart, and talented business woman who had no idea what she was actually capable of.
This feedback hit me, it hit me hard. I was blasted with a truth bomb that I wasn’t prepared for. The lies I had told myself had finally been uncovered. I was masquerading around town as this confident creative business woman, but on the inside I was terrified and felt like I was a big fat fraud.
After the emotional equivalent to a freezing cold shower, my mentor gave me the name of a woman and her email address. He said to email this woman tomorrow and tell her I sent you. I didn’t even know what this mystery woman was all about, but I was so shaken by the session that I immediately sent her an email. She called me within the hour, and we talked for a good 45 minutes.
OMG, she broke me DOWN.
This woman got inside my head. I immediately hired her to be my business coach. After our first session, my business and life was forever changed. She helped me reshape my business, boosted my confidence, and just changed the whole damn game. I couldn’t do it alone, and I was so relieved to have her help. From that day on, the more help, the better and now I am always on the hunt to find people who are smarter than me to work with and learn from.
My dream team is made up of a mentor, a mastermind group (EO Network), and a business coach. I also listen to business podcasts regularly, attend classes, and read a ton of books. Do these things cost me money? Of course, they do, but I am investing in my future and since making these investments my business and revenue has more than doubled! Sometimes, you’ve got to spend money to make money; it’s all part of being a business badass.