Hi, My name is Lauren and I am a 34 year old woman who still breaks out.
Seriously, this nonsense is getting old!! I have written about my skin drama countless times and at one point found the solution. The solution was expensive Retin-A from the dermatologist.
A couple of problems with that …
a.) It’s expensive
b.) You have to constantly go to the dermatologist
c.) Your skin outsmarts one prescription and you have to get something stronger
d.) Basically you are slathering dangerous chemicals all over your face
So what did I do? I quit, cold turkey! Know what happened? My skin turned into a pimply mess. Off to plan B aka the natural and nutritional route. My method is working but if I deviate, it’s back to pizza face. So give it a whirl if you are willing to stay consistent.
This book called Discover Your Nutritional Style was a real game changer for me. It helps you eat clean without being on a “diet”, its all about a healthy way of life that makes you look and feel amazing. None of the information was new to me but the context of it was life changing. So I gave up gluten, sugar, dairy, and soy. The book taught me that if I occasionally indulge in those foods I should not punish myself but I will start to notice how those foods make me feel. I found out that if I touch dairy or soy my skin almost immediately breaks out. Added bonus, you might lose a few pounds … I did.
I met this really interesting woman at a party who was telling me about the dangers lurking in our makeup bag. Not in weird-o way but in a “I’ve researched the hell out of this way”. She turned me on to this app called Think Dirty. Scan any beauty product and it will tell you how “dirty” it is aka loaded with cancer causing ingredients, allergens, and if they cause reproductive issues. Warning, this app may result in you throw away your entire makeup bag. Once I became more mindful of this I was able to ditch some beauty products that weren’t serving me in the long run.
I do a lot of research before buying anything that isn’t clothes. I read review after review, compare prices, etc. before giving something a shot. All of these products have gone through the Lauren car wash of research and I’ve been using all of them and saw positive results very quickly!
Face Wash: My beauty guru gave me the advice to never spend a lot of face wash because the fancy ingredients barely have a chance to get into your skin. The simpler the better when it comes to face wash. I have been using this for now but am on the hunt for something even simpler.
Witch Hazel: A quick swipe of some pure and simple Witch Hazel has been doing my face some good. It tones, gets away any extra dirt that’s been lying around, and it hydrates too.
Rose Hip Oil: Here is where things start getting serious. I read about this and heard its magical stuff. Warning this stuff stinks but after a few days use two of the pimples I had disappeared and no new ones have popped up in their place.
Egyptian Magic: Speaking of magic … I’ve purchased Egyptian Magic in the past but didn’t really get the hype. At first. I actually found a 3-pack at Costco for less than the cost of one container and I thought, why not try it again? I read that it can clear up acne so I started slathering in on my face morning and nice. You wouldn’t think that something so thick and greasy would clear up acne but holy skincare it totally does!
So that is my new natural regime for cleaning up adult acne. All I can say is so far, so good! I’ll keep you posted on the results.