It’s time for another client makeover. This go-round I am working with Ryan, a regular client of mine. Ryan is a Hollywood talent agent and has recently undergone a dress code change. The last time we worked together it was all about suits, fancy shoes, and a super-professional wardrobe. Now he’s at a new agency and the dress code is a lot more relaxed.
Ryan and I have been working together for a while now so his before is pretty stylish, but I also control his every wardrobe move. If he is considering making a purchase without me, he sends me an picture or a link to it online first. Now his BEFORE before, well that’s another story that we’ll save for another day.
I have appointed Ryan Gosling as my client’s inspiration. Ryan Gosling always seems to get it right. He has the polished/ casual thing down. I also looked to designers like Rag & Bone, Billy Reid, John Varvatos, APC, and Vince for inspiration as well.
Ryan also a requested a bit of an “edge” to his new casual wardrobe. We’ll see about that …
Lets face it, living in LA is expensive and not everyone has buckets of money to spend on clothing. Lucky for Ryan, I am an expert shopper and was able to get him so pretty incredible deals on all of the designers I mentioned above. I shopped at TJ Maxx‘s Runway Department for Men, Nordstrom Rack, Nordstrom, TopMan, and Zara.
In addition to just a general wardrobe update, Ryan had a couple of items on his shopping list as well. He wanted a pair of black boots, two black belts (casual and dressy), tee shirts, shorts (for the weekend), casual dress shirts, raw denim, and a jacket. It’s important to know when to save and when to splurge. For this job I knew we couldn’t skimp on the boots because he’s going to wear them forever. I also splurged on a leather jacket for Ryan, again he’ll wear it all the time.
What I love about my fittings with Ryan (and most of my male clients, actually) is that he lets me be the boss. If there is a shirt he is having doubts about, he’ll get it anyways if I say its awesome. Never fails that a few days later he is gushing over the shirt and number of compliments he got on it. The above shirt is one of those shirts.
We busted through an entire rack in a few hours and in the end he had a ton of stuff to add to his closet.
Another happy client! Ryan walked away with a pair of black boots, two black belts, three jackets (denim, leather, and a pea coat), raw denim jeans, tee shirts for days (too many to count), two sweaters, and a handful of button up shirts. And we came in a few dollars under budget.