Warm Weather Workouts That Soak Up the Sun (in Style)

When the weather heats up, I sometimes like to move my workouts outdoors. Getting that extra boost of vitamin D improves my energy and just makes me feel happy. Last week I kicked it old school and worked out at the local high school. After walking down memory lane by remember my cheerleading days on the east coast I immediately felt old and got the heck out of there (after working up a sweat, of course).

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You don’t have to re-live your high school days to get a good workout, you can do these outdoor workouts almost anywhere. My only requirement is that you do them in style. Remember, when you look good you feel good. Having a pulled together outfit wherever you decide to workout can help you work that much harder.


Lunging up and down the stairs, sprinting up and down the stairs, or jumping front stair to stair is an excellent workout. Since I was at a high school, I used the bleachers. My helped me spring from step to step without giving my shins a serious beating.

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I typically only run when I am being chased but something about that high school track got me going. I think I was trying to make up for the time I joined the track team in high school. During the first week of practice I literally ran home (well to my best friends house)! The team never saw me again. This time (almost 20 years later) I actually made it around the track. I am not one for showing a lot of leg in running shorts so I opted for these eye-catching tights instead. The thicker waistband holds everything in and ensures I won’t be showing anything I don’t want to show during my run.

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Outdoor Yoga or Stretching

After all of the running and jumping, nothing feels better than a nice outdoor stretch. Feeling the sun hit your face as you give those muscles a much needed stretch feels AMAZING.

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That’s how I keep fit when the weather is warm. How about you?

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