I recently came across an article called 13 Things Every Guy Should Take Out of His Closet and Burn. This got my brain going and I started to think about things that I believe every woman should toss out of her closet immediately. I see these fashion horrors all the time during closet cleanses and I force my clients to toss this type of trash out. The following items are played out. They are toast and they should never see the light of day ever again.
Why on earth would anyone wear these heinous things? Outdated, awful, and tacky. Flip flops are bad enough, adding a platform simply adds insult to injury. Burn!
Sure, back in the day a Juicy Couture tracksuit was the ultimate status symbol (how stupid does that sound) but today? Fail! A velour tracksuit isn’t acceptable anywhere – not in your house, not at the gym, and certainly not to run errands. These have to go.
You all know I’m a sucker for hats but this is where I draw the line.
True story, I just threw out a hefty handful of embroidered jeans during a closet cleanse just the other day. These jeans are bad news. No one will ever take you seriously in a pair of embroidered jeans. Add an extra splash of lighter fluid if there are rhinestones involved.
Argyle looks good on socks and that’s pretty much it. Ribbed sweaters also get my blood boiling, talk about unflattering.
This was the ultimate going out garment. Throw on your sexy jersey halter top and pair of $300 embroidered jeans and you were good to go. New flash: those days are gone. Get rid of those halter tops unless you are a Real Housewives cast member.
Remember when rhinestones meant you were totally awesome? I remember bedazzling my T-Mobile Sidekick (so embarrassing) but today rhinestones are not okay. Stay away and burn anything you have that falls under the bedazzled category.
Do I even need to give you a reason to burn anything and everything Ed Hardy or Ed Hardy inspired? I didn’t think so.
I’m sorry but we can still see you, clear bra straps. Just wear a strapless bra and make all of our lives a little bit easier.
I mean … C’mon. PS- I like how they tried to make them look cool in this pic.
Wire hangers are obviously horrible but those big puffy plastic hangers might actually be worse. Get yourself some of those sexy slimline felt hangers – they are are so much better than both wire and plastic hangers combined.Did I leave anything out of my fashion burn book? I’m sure I did so please leave your burn-worthy items in the comments section below.
Jersey dresses. They were a brilliant way to get your Boo Thang to agree to dress alike. Now no one should be caught dead in one!
Couldn’t agree with you more Lauren! We must spread your gospel to all the poor souls that don’t know better one closet at a time!!! 😉