Current Obsession: Catching Fire + Trish Summerville

ID_D20_08565_08568_R5.jpgStylist/ Costume Designer Trish Summerville is a boss! Her talent is next level and beyond amazing, which makes me doubly excited for the new Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire. The movie itself will be great, I’m sure, but what I’m really excited for is the costumes. Since I’m not one to wait, I managed to find a few still from the movie online – can we talk about that butterfly dress? Amazing!ID_D13_05238_R31.jpgI’ve also got a School of Style exclusive interview from Trish Summerville, where she shares career advice to next generation of stylists and costume designers. Definitely worth a look! ID_D30_12018_R2A.JPG(Images via NY Post)

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