The Hunt for the Perfect White Pump

1095047_495011420569768_1466076763_nI recently discovered the magic called HBO GO. After binge watching The Girls, I decided to watch Sex and the City from start to finish – not for the story lines (I know those by heart) but for the fashion. I wanted to dissect every look, from Carrie to Charlotte to Samantha to Miranda.

During this fashion science project I became absolutely obsessed with one of Carrie’s Paris ensembles, her polka dot dress and white pumps. You know the pumps that got covered in dog crap? Yeah those – a pair of white Christian Louboutin’s. Personally I am not a huge Louboutin fan but these, these were absolutely magical.

And so began the and the city white pumps

I wanted, no scratch that, needed a pair of white pumps but I wanted mine to be single-soled and pointy. Sounds easy to find but turns out, not so much.

I headed over to Barneys and found one pair of decent white pumps. They were Manolo Blahniks, which in my mind were played out. They looked like Mom shoes on the shelf so I basically skipped right over them. I tried on a pair of black Gianvito Rossi shoes instead and almost bought them, when a voice from above chimed in and said “Just try the Manolos …”

Who am I to ignore the voice of (fashion) God? I tried them on and fell in love. These are THE perfect pair of pumps. Sexy, comfortable, and stylish. Now I need a pair in every color. Oye!

Manolo Blahnik ‘Taylor’ for $695 

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