You all know I love scoring a great deal! It’s what I do. If you follow me on Instagram you can see in real time the kind of deals that I am finding. But now I am curious about the deals that you all are finding. If you’ve found a deal that too good not to share, share it with me and I’ll feature you on my blog.Today fellow Personal Stylist, Katie Watford is sharing not one but two amazing deals that she has scored. They are good ones, check it out!
Also, I did not pay Katie $20 to say those lovely things about me – she is just a really nice girl.
So I was trained by the best in LA, Ms. Lauren Messiah herself! This lady knows how to style, but she really knows how to shop. I scored two insane deals, in the same day, and thought Lauren would be proud!
1st Deal: So I was at Loehmann’s and saw this amazing Giorgio Armani jacket that was originally $2300 on sale for $374. But Loehamnn’s being a gold mine, they had an additional 50% off this day, so I scored it for $170.2nd Deal: I’m totally obsessed with Mira Duma‘s style. She’s a live doll, and I would be perfectly happy living in her closet for the rest of my life. As I was on a slight high from scoring my amazing Giorgio Aramni jacket, I came across this dope Alberta Ferretti jacket that totally reminded of an outfit that Mira wore during fashion week. The jacket was originally $1195 and it was marked down to again $374, plus 50%, for another amazing score of $170!
It couldn’t have more of a successful trip to have walked out with two statement jackets for less than $350, that would have cost me over $3500 for full price.
Lauren Messiah is a master shopper that taught me the ropes! Thanks LM!!