The average person works five days a week and gets two whole days off all to themselves. Every. Single. Week. That type of person used to be me and I hated it. The monotony of saying, “Is it Monday already?” and “Thank God it’s Friday” loses its luster after a while.
Now I am a free. Freelance that is and I am lucky to get one day off a month. Not that I am complaining because I absolutely love what I do for a living.
When I do have a day or even a few hours to myself, I like to make the most of it. I need my mind, body, and soul to enjoy those fleeting free moments.
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I do it through psychical activity. Now I’m not one of those girls who avoids working out at all costs nor am I one of those girls who works out to achieve the perfect body. Honestly, I workout to clear my mind, to feel strong, and energized throughout the day. With benefits like those it’s almost impossible not to work out.
In order to make it through my workouts, I have to stay hydrated. It sounds easy enough but here’s the thing … I’m a water snob. Seriously. My close friends make fun of me because I’d rather go thirsty than drink crappy water. I only drink natural spring water. The water in my house is imported and delivered to my doorstep. I’m not kidding – so you can go ahead and stop laughing.
Keeping up with my water snobbery can be tough so I was stoked to find out there is a bottle of good tasting spring water out there that is more accessible than my fancy imported water delivery service.
Enter, resource® Natural Spring Water. I was impressed by the taste and equally refreshed by the recycled bottle that it came in. Thanks to resource® Spring Water I’m a little less snobby. A little.
resource® Natural Spring Water is a holistic bottled water brand that sustains a lifestyle of wellbeing – spring water with naturally occurring electrolytes for taste, a bottle made from 50% recycled plastic [excluding label and cap], and a source for discovery and enlightenment.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by resource® Natural Spring Water via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of resource® Natural Spring Water.
Clear Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow #fitness
Clear Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow