My “Team Relaxed” Hair Routine


After spending nine plus years on “team natural” (I had super-long dreads back in the day) I have returned to “team relaxed” or as Chris Rock would say, I am on that “creamy crack”. I get my hair professional straighten once a month by my most fabulous hair dresser, Philip- and love it. No shame in my game.

One tiny issue (well aside from the fact that relaxers are laded with chemicals) is that relaxers are a bit drying. After a week of having silky locks my hair quickly returns to its dry brittle state by the next washing. So I was super pumped when Pantene asked me to try their new products specifically designed for relaxed hair.

Funny story. My friend and trusted hair adviser has been begging me to try Pantene’s products that are made specifically for my hair type for well over a year. Did I listen? No.

Well last week I finally used the product for the first time and I can see why she was begging so hard. I loved the smell (gotta smell right) and more importantly, I love how the products made my hair feel – smooth, silky, and tangle free. Couple that with the affordable price and I am officially sold. Definitely adding this product line to my hair routine.

Speaking of routine – I like to keep it simple. Shampoo, conditioner, air dry or hooded dryer (depending on how much time I’ve got), leave-in conditioner, Babyliss flat iron, classic black comb, and my latest investment … a Mason Pearson brush (worth every penny).

What are the must-have products for your hair?


Truly Relaxed and Truly Natural – Two collections From Pantene for healthier hair* no matter what your style.

*Vs. non-conditioning shampoo

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Pantene via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Pantene.

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