New York Fashion Week ended on a zen note for me this season, an Urban Zen note. Let me explain.
I had the extreme pleasure of sitting in on an intimate Q&A with Donna Karan – yes, the Donna Karan – in the American Express Skybox before heading back to LA after 10 fun-filled (and cold) days in New York City. The focus of this intimate Q&A was to discuss style, commerce, and social good – a welcome change of conversation after a week of full-on-fashion chatter.
Donna Karan and American Express are utilizing Twitter to do some good in the world. Donna has created an exclusive bracelet made out of black horn and leather. These bracelets are all hand done by Haitian artisans. Ready for the amazing part? You can buy this bracelet by using a hashtag on Twitter and the proceeds help the people of Haiti via the Urban Zen Foundation.
Listening to Donna speak was amazing. I could tell just how passionate she was about doing some good in the world and her participation in the Urban Zen Foundation. Her goal was to put philanthropy and commerce together and I think she has accomplished that with this innovative partnership with American Express and Twitter.
Donna Karan ended the discussion with a great piece of advice – “Be here now”. I can get down with that.
For more information about how to purchase this exclusive bracelet via Twitter please visit