Chic for Cheap: Nicole Richie for Impulse

This morning I had the opportunity to preview Nicole Richie for Impulse at Macy’s. I am not one to get too excited about celebrity clothing lines but Nicole Richie has managed to transcend the cheesiness that typically comes with a celeb line. I’ve actually been more than impressed with House of Harlow and Winter Kate, so I knew I was in for something cool at Macy’s this morning.

As suspected, Nicole did not disappoint. The line was very Nicole (bohemian with an edge), made extremely well, and the price points were awesome.

When I arrived at Macy’s bright and early this morning, I took a cruise through the racks and scoped out my favorites pieces. Next I got to see all of the garments on models to see how everything moved. By the end of the show I was so ready try on the garments. Everything fits true to size and looks great on. I walked away with a fabulous top and my new favorite dress.

Here are a few pictures from the event …

The display at Macy’s

One of Nicole’s dresses

My new dress – so cute on!!

Bird cage blouse

Peacock inspired prints

Mixing prints

MEven the price tags are chic

Host Amanda Garrigus and the lovely Macy’s models

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