Current Obsession: Jennifer Fisher’s Bandaid Jewelry

If you follow me on Twitter or on Facebook you probably saw that last week I cut my arm. It was a minor cut, but blood was involved. Me being the most ridiculous person on the planet and all, I didn’t reach for a band-aid instead I wrapped a cloth around my arm and secured it with a bracelet! I’m not joking- at all. Perhaps it was my laziness that prevented me from using an actual band-aid or maybe it is that band-aids are so unfashionable.

Until now …

I am totally and 100% obsessed with Jennifer Fisher’s Bandaid rings and cuffs. Talk about the most fashionable yet non-functional band-aid that I’ve ever seen. SO chic.

 Rings ($120 each) and Cuffs ($540) are both available for purchase at 

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