Deal of the Day: Moschino ‘Hair’ Jacket

What: Moschino Cheap and Chic jacket with bobby pin and comb details

Retail Price: $1ooo.00

My price: $2oo.00

The Kicker: I saw this jacket at Loehmann’s about a month ago. I tried it on and it looked amazing but for some reason I didn’t buy it (my lame attempt at being responsible). I went back the next day and it was gone. I went back a week later and it was still gone. I scoured the internet for it and I couldn’t find it. It joined that terrible club that I started “the jacket that got away” club.

So you can imagine my delight when I went to Loehmann’s yesterday and found the jacket!! Not only did I find the jacket but I found it be on sale for 20% off AND I had a 20% coupon AND I had my Diamond Club membership that got me another 10% off AND I had a $50 store credit.

What?! So amazing.

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