Style For Hire/ Westfield Mall Tour- Seattle

Last week I was in Seattle for the Style For Hire/ Westfield Mall Tour. I had a blast with the Style For Hire team and of course bought stuff at the mall that I (probably) didn’t need.

I didn’t get to see much of Seattle but I saw enough to want to go back for another visit. Everyone in Seattle was exceptionally kind — they make ’em real nice over there.

Now I am in San Diego for the same tour. I will have pictures to share once that stop wraps but for now, check out my pics from Seattle!

lauren messiah stylist

Me and fellow stylist Lauren Vitalie

style for hire

Taping shoes

style for hire lauren messiahNico the awesome style assistant, me, and fellow stylist Kate

lauren messiah and laurie bruckerMe and fellow LA stylist Laurie Brucker


The calm before the fashion show

cape Cape twins!

stacy london fashion showStacy London takes the stage for the fashion show

westfield fashion show stacy london

Final bow at the fashion show

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