3.1 Philip Lim Jackpot at Neimans Outlet

I just got back from an epic 10-day road trip! No emails, no phone, no work … Period. The trip was totally un-fashion related too! Well with the exception of a few outlet shopping stops on the first and the last day of the trip. I mean, how can you drive for 10-days straight without stopping to stretch your wallet at an outlet store or two?

One the last day, a stop was made at this crappy little outlet mall in Las Vegas. There were only two stores worth stopping into, the Neimans outlet and the Burberry outlet (a post on that to come). Last time I went to the Neimans outlet in Vegas it was a big joke. 99% Ed Hardy (since when has Ed Hardy been sold at Neimans?) and 1% actual Neimans worthy gear.

This time the visit was more successful with 80% crap and 20% designer stuff for cheap. They also had a deal going on where you got one piece for an extra 40% off and everything else for an extra 25% off. Score!!

I made out like a bandit on the 3.1 Phillip Lim rack. Took 8 items into the fitting room with me and walked away with three great items to add to my closet. I could have got more but I exercised some restraint …

3.1 philip lim jacket


I also got this jacket but the shape just wasn’t right for my body. Shame because the detailing is amazing in person!

3.1 philip lim tank runway

I did go home with this little tank top. I bought the cream version.

3.1 philip lim sequin top

I bought a version of this shirt. If image the top above getting it on with the shirt below … that’s my shirt.



This skirt almost made it into the keep pile but I had to be honest with myself …

I would never wear it, it would just hang there in my closet.

Definitely pleased with my finds. The BIG scores came minutes later when I hit the Burberry outlet. Stay tuned for a post on that shopping excursion.

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