School Of Style New York = Smash Hit!

school of style new york

I just realized just now that I haven’t really wrote about School Of Style‘s first NYC class. Sure, I managed to write about all the shopping Luke and I did but I failed to mention the reason we went 🙂

After months and months of thinking about it, we took School Of Style to New York for the first time last month. We had no idea how the class would turn out. We didn’t know how the New York students would act. Would they think they were all that just because they were in NYC? Would they think our class was just for silly LA people? Well all of our fears turned out to be totally ridiculous because the students LOVED the class.

50 students packed the Ace Hotel, where we held the class, and each and everyone of them loved our class! More of them would have loved it too but the class sold out!!! Insane right? We couldn’t let more than 50 people in.

Anyways, thank you so much to everyone who came out for the class. We had a blast. So much of a blast that we are coming back in October. So if you are interested … sign up before it sells out. Oh and be sure to hit Century 21 while you are there (hehe).

school of style ace hotel

school of style new york city fashion stylist school

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