Get the Look: Selena Gomez

selena gomez

Q- I’m obsessed with this necklace Selena Gomez wore in her Naturally music video. Can you tell me who it’s by? Can you also recreate the outfit she’s wearing?

A- Not positive on that necklace, but there are a lot of replicas of it out there that will get you the look. I included the one I thought looked the best on the look I recreated for you below. Enjoy! If anyone knows 100% who makes that necklace, please leave it in the comments section. Thx.

Side note: Saw Selena Gomez in person at the last LA Fashion Week (the one that was held at Smashbox Studios). She may be the tiniest person I have ever seen! OK, not really but she is very tiny.

Chico's at ShopStyle

2 thoughts on “Get the Look: Selena Gomez”

  1. I jI just love the Gorgeous necklace that Selena wears in her video “Naturally “ . Where ca I purchase a look a like.

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