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Q- My girlfriend of 9 years has started a custom jewelery design house here in Toronto and is trying to get as much exposure as possible. She is 26 years old and her passion for art and fashion is as deep as it gets. Would you mind checking out her web site at and if anything catches your eye maybe mention her in your blog or something? If you have any advice for me to help her get exposure here in Toronto I’d really appreciate it, as anything I can do to help her succeed would mean a lot to me. I believe in her and hope others can appreciate her art as much as I do. Thank you for your time.
A- Wow. Typically an email like this would head straight to my e-trashcan but the hopeless romantic in me is melting at this really sweet gesture. So here you are, a little bit of press for your girlfriend’s jewelery line.
I checked out the site and while the jewelry isn’t really my style, I did find one piece to be really awesome. The Swarovski Crystal Arm Band. It’s really freaking cool!! I think your girlfriend should make armbands her trademark. I would totally rock one.
Readers, if you feel like checking out some jewelry, head to
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