Simply Stylist Event Coverage

Simply Stylist
Simply Stylist

This past Wednesday I went to the Simply Stylist event in Hollywood. I was invited to check out the designer’s collections, chill out in the beauty area, and to blog in the Yelp Blogger Lounge.  The event was super cool and I loved the fact that Yelp set up shop for bloggers like myself to be able to chillax and be on our laptop and stuff. Of course, I end up blogging in the privacy of my home (I am sitting in my robe drinking tea right now) but still, it was nice to have the option.

The designers that I saw were TOMS shoes, Kao Pao Shu, Paul & Joe Sister, Mike Vensel, The Fear, Ronald, Rafe New York, and Ashi. My TOMS post is already up and more posts will popping up here over the weekend but for now, here are some pictures for you to look at.



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