Sarah Jessica Parker’s Headband


Q- I’m luvvving Sarah Jessica Parker’s headband. Where can I get this?

A- Super-cute headband. I am actually quite in love with those crazy acid wash jeans but let me see what I can do about the headband …

>This one from Oak for $48 wit give you that slick feather look with a little edge.

> You can’t go wrong with Jennifer Behr. Her latest collection has a bunch of options that will help you get the look.

That’s the best I can do right now. If I find the exact headband I will update this post. If anyone knows where to find the headband, leave it in the comments section.

2 thoughts on “Sarah Jessica Parker’s Headband”

  1. That headband is by my friend, Sasha Samuel!!!!!! Each piece is couture, and one of a kind. She’s a NYC-based designer, her designs are amazing – her website’s about to launch, check out her site and you can find contact details there. So excited to see SJP wearing her stuff!!!!

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