Tonight Luke Storey (stylist and creator of The School of Style) and I slapped on some black clothes, headed out into the rain, and trekked downtown to see the Skin.Graft show. It was totally fun, much better than the first show I went to this season. I mean, obviously … the runway wasn’t covered in sand, there were actual fashion people there (unlike the West Hollywood party kids that were at the Sjobeck show), oh and there were actual seats! All in all a good set up for a fashion show.
I was totally having a Brad/ Rachel Zoe moment at the show … Luke was in the front row and I was totally in the second row, right behind him. If you watch Rachel Zoe (season 1) you will know exactly the episode/Brad line that I am talking about.
Anyway, on to the show …
The show was cool. In the beginning there was some freaky little dance sequence. It was strange but in that cool/strange way. After that wrapped up the clothes headed down the runway. The models looked cool with their chopped up looking doll hair, super-high heels, and (of course) totally rock n roll leather jackets from Skin.Graft. All of the pieces were that rock n roll style that I love; leather, studs, lace-up stuff, ruffles, drama, etc …
The only unfortunate part of the night was the rain. My hair was like total frizz-ball by the time I walked in (as you can see in the photo above). Oh well. It’s just hair, right?