Shop for a Good Cause at Loehmann’s


You all know how much I love scoring a deal, and Loehmann’s is one of my favorite places to do it.  You get TOP designer names at a HUGE discount. Whats not to like? Well just in case you needed another reason to shop at Loehmann’s … I’ve got one for ya:

Loehmann’s Fashion Funds Hope event to benefit the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund is one day only, next week on September 24th.  For a $5 donation at the register, customers will enjoy an additional 15% off their purchases, and Loehmann’s will donate 5% of sales to participating customers to OCRF as well.  Plus, there will have information in-store on OCRF and their great work in funding research to find diagnostic tools to cures for this disease.

$5 to help yourself and others. Its a win-win. See you at Loehmann’s!

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