Classic Homecoming Attire


Q- I just bought this BCBG dress and these shoes recently for my school’s Homecoming Dance this October. I am not a jewelry person at all, really, and for all of my high school dances I have just left out jewelry of all kinds. For some reason, this year I want to dress it up a bit. I don’t really know what kind of things to wear with the dress, but I want it to be classy and not crazy or overpowering. I really like the simple beauty of pearls and diamonds (I’m a simple kind of person :))

A- Simple. Fair enough. That dress is really pretty so you actually don’t need to do too much to it anyways. I would go for a larger earring (hope that’s not too much, Miss Simple) and a sweet little ring.  Something like this:


Earrings, $36 from Banana Republic

Bag, $24 from Urban Outfitters

Ring, $298 at Shop Rumor

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