Hey everyone,
I just wanted to say that I LOVE getting all of your questions. I have been getting more questions than ever before, so thank you. But there are a couple of things that I would like to mention …
1.) I get a LOT of questions, so it may take me days or even weeks to answer your questions. I answer the questions in the order that they are received. If I don’t answer your question, that usually means it was eaten up in my spam filter. If it has been over two weeks and you haven’t seen your answer on the site, please resend me the question.
2.) Please include pictures! I don’t mind tracking down the hottest fashions from Gossip Girl but I do mind spending 20 minutes tracking down the photo of what you are looking for. If you can’t find a photo, please send a video clip or a link to the photo.
3.) One question per email please 🙂 It makes it easier for me and easier for readers looking for advice. If you have three questions, please send them in three separate emails.
So those are my only requirements .. Not too painful, huh?
The items below are not required but the information is useful to me in getting you the best possible advice:
– Include your price range
– Describe your personal style, unless you want to end up in my personal style 😉
– Your body type
– Stuff you hate (if you hate heels, you’s better mention it because chances are I am putting you in heels)
– Stuff you love (if you are partial to a particular brand let me know)
Well that’s all I’ve got. Keep the awesome questions coming.
You have post a nice blog.