LaRok Sample Sale in NYC


Friday May 15th – Sunday May 17th

New York, NY. May 1, 2009 – The semi-annual LaROK sample sale event takes place May 15th through May 17th at a new location in SOHO, NY. The merchandise at this blowout sale will be marked at up to 90 percent below retail.

Who: LaRok

        What: Fantastic ready-to-wear pieces, which always bring a refreshingly unique take on modern style. Look for trendy and sexy dresses, tops, tees, and more…from LaROK

Where: 72 Wooster Street (Between Spring and Broome Streets)

      New York, NY 10013

When: Friday, May 15th 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM

      Saturday, May 16th 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Sunday, May 17th 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM

          LaROK Celebs: Cameron Diaz, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Simpson, Blake Lively, Eva Longoria…amongst others.

Examples of items at the sale are as follows:


Shrug Dress, Retails $348, Sample Sale Price $40

Check Me Out Shirt, Retails $198, Sample Sale Price $20

Level Mini Skirt, Retails $168, Sample Sale Price $20

About LaROK:

LaROK is a fast moving, spirited contemporary collection that fuses together the essentials of style and sexiness. The collection is based on the concept of highly stylized, fashion-oriented items that can easily compliment any wardrobe. LaROK enjoys the perfect balance of streetwise femininity and rocker chic with a significant focus on current trends.

About Savvy&Co.:

Savvy is a New York based company that hosts designer sample sales and VIP shopping events, open to the public.

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