Dear Fashion Kitty, Body Conscious Gossip Girl Style

I have a major dilemma! I recently decided I wanted to dress like Jenny Humphrey but I’m not very body confident as I am fat (not lying) so im not a major fan of short skirts. I also live in England so any English shops or international places would be best. As the current economic climate is kind of crap not to expensive would be best.

Big girls can dress cute too, so don’t let that stop you. The first thing you can do to update your look is a fresh hair cut and some new makeup. Go to Sephora or MAC to get a lesson on how to properly apply makeup to get the look that you are after. And a good hair cut can do wonders for self confidence.

The second thing you can do that has nothing to do with your size is accessories. It only takes a few key pieces to change the look of the clothes that you already have in your closet. Here is a list that I created of 6 pieces you need to get that Jenny look.

And finally the clothes. Find styles that you like that Jenny wears and adjust them for your body. If you like her tiny jumpers with tulle underneath, see if you can find a longer version. You can still rock the leather jackets, the tights (with longer skirts and dresses), and you can wear the tee shirts that she wears too.

Here is an outfit that is Jenny worthy to get you started (all from the UK.)

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