I may have just accidentally purchased these shoes but I will have you know that a lot of thought into the purchase. Let me explain …
First of all, I tried them on when I was visiting my family in DC at Intermix and I fell in love with them. They made me 5 1/2 inches taller and two strangers told me I looked amazing in them.
That was two weeks ago and I was still thinking about the shoes.
I had gone online to look for them a few times and they weren’t there but today my luck changed. They were on Intermix’s site, on sale, and they had my size (size 7.5 is hard to find on sale.)
What was a girl to do?
I put them in my shopping cart but I was riddled with guilt. I had just make myself a budget and shopping was not on it. So I needed a little push. The push I needed was a coupon code . I dug around the web and found one that got me a nice little discount, even on sale merchandise. The code is HOLIDAY if you are interested.
That was just the push I needed and I bought the shoes. I am having them wrapped and handed to me on Christmas so I can pretend that Santa bought them for me … Cause I still feel a little guilty.
Hah! Too funny – I’ve been thinking about getting the blue velvet Stella MCcartney shoes on Intermix; finally broke down to buy them, and discovered that coupon code today too!