Dear Fashion Kitty, Serena’s blazer

The blazer is by Ralph Lauren but does not appear to be for sale online.

Recently I had seen a photo of Blake Lively in a white blazer. I really love the look and I would like to know who makes the blazer and where I can find one to purchase for myself. A photo is attached of Blake in the blazer I am talking about.

I have been hunting everywhere for this jacket with no luck. I found one similar at Victoria’s Secret in red but it’s nothing compared to this one. If anyone knows who makes this please leave it in the comments section.

0 thoughts on “Dear Fashion Kitty, Serena’s blazer”


    The first one looks a bit more like the one from GG, but I included the second one as an alternative. I am normally not a huge fan of mass produced clothing but Forever21 has a ton of severely cute blazers right now, so I thought I'd share these two.

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