I was just browsing through your web site and I was reading through all the questions people have asked you and you seem to have answers for everything. So I thought maybe you could help me. I was looking through People Stylewatch the other day and saw this romper worn by Kim Kardashian and fell in love with it.
I have been searching the web ever since. I think I must have check every possible web site and have had no luck finding it. Below is a picture of it. So it would be great if you could help me in finding who the designer is.
Jeepers! I have been searching high and low for this romper with like zero luck. It looks to me like it’s by La Rok but I really can’t say that with confidence. Readers, any ideas?
These rompers/ jumpers (whatever you like to call them) aren’t the same as Kim’s but I do like them all the same, especially the one on Sienna Miller …
See more of my Trend Alert: Jumping for Jumpers list at ThisNext.