Sure, I may be the picture of perfect health (according my doctor) but I will admit to “burning the candle at both ends”. I stay up late, I do stupid stuff, I … well, we will just leave it at that. The truth is, I like my candles to burn that way! However, all of that damn wax has turned me into a zombie. After struggling through my morning workout I took my sad little zombie ass to the office today, which I also like to call a freaking petri dish. Being rundown with bunch of virus bags can make even the healthiest girl get sick.
Most people who aren’t feeling 100% get themselves some chicken soup and orange juice. Here’s the thing … I don’t eat chicken and orange juice is a sugary waste of calories. So instead I went online and bought myself a new bag.
The bag I purchased is by Linea Pelle.
I discovered I wanted a Linea Pelle bag last night at a party last night (see, candle) and this girl I met was carrying a great bag by Linea Pelle. The bag was cute, the right size, great quality, everything I wanted in a bag. I didn’t end up purchasing the exact bag that she had (what kind of fashionista would I be?) but when I went to research the label I realized I had already put a Linea Pelle bag on my ThisNext wishlist!
I went to the site to check out some other designs that I may have missed and saw that the bag I wishlisted was on sale in black on Linea’s site!! I ordered it up right away and it should be here any day now.
Did it make me feel better? Well, kinda. My head still feels like it may explode and my stomach feels a bit like there was an acid spill inside of it … But when this is all over I will have a cute bag to keep me company when I got out and burn that candle again.
I just recoverd from a nasty flu and d cough won’t leave me…it’s d weather and d hectic lifestyle we lead these days, I guess…but hell, life’s too short to sleep away…Get well soon and get your candle burning again! 😉
PS. dat’s a great party bag!
fyi – it’s linEA pelle, not linAE pelle