L.A. tricked me last week! The weather went all crazy (it was about 100 degrees) and fooled me into thinking it was summer. When the temperature gets high I get all excited and I start craving fun, the sun, skimpy clothes, and a rockin’ tan.
Fast forward to this weekend where it got to about, oh, 70 degrees. That isn’t summer, it’s spring because DUH it is spring and during the spring you don’t really get a natural tan. So I took a peek into my beauty drawer to see what I had.
Part of my Peroni fashion week survival kit was a Solerra tanning mitt. I decided to give it a whirl. You simply slip on this plastic lined mitt and go to town. It was pretty awesome because the color looks natural and you don’t end up getting that orange palm syndrome like you do with other tanners.
After I finished mitting myself I moisturized with Jergens Natural Glow lotion — I love that stuff! I am sure you have heard about it a zillion times but basically it is lotion that gradually gives you a tan. Great stuff and cheap too.
The whole tanning duo I made up worked out well. I think my tan looks pretty darn hot. Problem is now I am hooked and I used up my one mitt. So I headed out to find more sunless tanning fun …
The tanning product I picked up at Target (the vicious cycle continues) to stand in for my mitt was Jergens Natural Glow Express. It is supposed to be just like the regular natural glow lotion except this one tans you in 3 days. I am going to test it out along with my normal natural glow lotion to see if I can get a sexy fake tan in 3 days. I will be sure to let you know how it performed.
If anyone has some fake tanning secrets or horror stories leave em in the comment section.
i’m irish and german, so it’s basically IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a normal tan from the sun. i’m white, i burn badly, then i peel and turn white again. its awful.
for my 8th grade graduation dance a couple years ago i tried self-tanning lotion for the first time, but i didn’t realize that you had to wash your hands afterwards (DUH!!!). when we got our “dimplomas” at the beginning we had to shake hands with all of our teachers.. it was SO embarrassing because my palms were like nasty carrot-colored and one of my teacher actually asked what was wrong with me. ughh haha
now i use l’oreal sublime tanner or whatever, and it works pretty well, but that mitt thing sounds cool.
Spray tans are the best! I’m a super pale redhead so on me, it lasted nearly two weeks and it didn’t flake off unevenly or anything.
L’oreal sublime sunless tanner is an awesome drugstore substitute though!