Dear Fashion Kitty, Jenny’s Headband?

Can you tell me in eposide 14 (most recent) Jenny wears the hot pink head band with rhinestone…where can I get the same one?

**Update*** Reader comment says you can get the headband here>>

Jenny Humphrey wore a rhinestone headband in this past week’s episode of Gossip Girl when she was planning her thievery in that gigantic closet (silly girl, what a stupid plan). I only caught a glimpse of it for a short second but this one seems to be the same one.

If this isn’t the exact one and you know the exact one please recommend it 🙂

Shop more of Jenny’s looks here: Gossip Girl Style: Jenny Humphrey

On semi-related headband note … how cute is this headband, which is also from Nordstrom? I think I may have to pop into Nordstrom on my way to the doctor today to get a few. Or maybe I need to head to craft store to get a glue gun and some fake butterflies.

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