Reading is fashionable: Smart Girls Like Me

It’s always nice to see a fellow fashion blogger take that giant leap from the computer screen to actual paper. Diane Vadino who writes for the one of my favorite blogs has just put out her first novel called Smart Girls Like Me.

The book is already receiving a ton of praise and has readers actually laughing out loud. Nylon magazine says “beautiful”. Marie Claire says “seriously good writing” and Entertainment Weekly says “raw and honest”. I can’t wait to read it so I can add to the flurry of positive reviews.

** And to all of my Northern VA/ DC kittens … There will be a book reading on Oct. 9th!!! Get all of the details here>>

This is a story about what happens when you are twenty-four years old and it is 1999 and you are quite certain that everyone on the planet has been invited to super-fun New Year’s Eve orgies, except you, because you were too busy making plans for the end of the world—courtesy of God or militiamen or your best friend and her ridiculous wedding in the middle of the South Pacific. This is a story about what happens when you think and truly mean things like “I don’t care if the world ends, as long as it ends before this stupid wedding.”

There is sex, albeit awkward and tentative. There are drugs, however illegal. There is very little rock and roll, but there is, of course, a wedding, and possibly a heroine: Betsy Nilssen, who, daily, finds herself in the sort of Manhattan workplace frequently filled with fashion models, few of whom have spilled milk on their jeans. She has a best friend named Bridget, and all Betsy wants is to escape the coming apocalypse by fleeing with Bridget to New Zealand, where they could kayak through fjords and make out with surfers.

But two things happen: Bridget deserts Betsy—if by that we mean that Bridget accepts her boyfriend’s proposal of marriage—and Betsy meets the man of her quite literal dreams, possibly the only person who might assuage the terrifying fact of Bridget’s wedding while simultaneously distracting her from the end of the world—er, year.

This is a story about the risks and the rewards of becoming the next and better you, whoever that person might be. It is a story about what happens when you love tremendously and desperately and occasionally unwisely. And it is a story of that one friend: your phone-a-friend with the definition of a tangelo at the ready, the one you call when the world is ending, the one you need, finally, more than any other person on the planet.

Get it now at:

Barnes & Noble.and

2 thoughts on “Reading is fashionable: Smart Girls Like Me”

  1. Sounds like the same feel as Bridget Jones’ Diary. It’s on my list, and will soon be on my nightstand stack 🙂 Thanks for the tip!

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