Fell in Love with a Shoe

This is a first, taking a picture of my Vogue. Last night after breaking my back lifting my 840 page Vogue, I opened to the back to start my reading. I love reading magazines from back to front because they always hide the good stuff in back.

Look at these shoes!

I am in love, I really am. Never have a seen such contraction in a shoe. Are they evening? Are they conservative? Who the hell cares! They are fabulous. And if you think of them as a 2-for-1, work and play, the $720 price tag seems cheap.

2 thoughts on “Fell in Love with a Shoe”

  1. How much did you love that issue of Vogue! I fell hook, line, and sinker for the black Ferragamo anklestrap sandals with the lucite platform. I’m gonna disagree with anonymous and say that I think these shoes you picked are actually quirky and fab.

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