I Wish…

This is first year I am not doing Christmas. That’s right you heard me. And here are my reasons

1.) Everyone in my family it too old for Christmas. Once you are over the age of 12, get over it…its simply money spent for gifts no one wants or barely needs.

2.) Airline tickets are a damn fortune. I spent an unspeakable amount of money on my ticket home not to mention the price I will pay to park at the airport! Ouch…there goes the Christmas money.

3.) Even if I were to get presents, I can’t really fly them back (at least not easily) back to California.

4.) If I want something I will buy it myself. That being said…

I might just need to get myself something nice for Christmas, here are somethings that are on my wishlist.

Headband from shopbop $130 (yeah I know waay too much for a headband)

ipod Nano- Sure I already have a regular ipod but look how pretty this one is. Plus I would love to test out that Nike running system and you need the Nano for that…Ok sure I don’t run, but I might I could be swayed.

Wedges by Cynthia Vincent.

Night Shirt from ShopRobertson.com. You can wear it to sleep or pair it with some cute jeans. More bang for your buck. $64

2 thoughts on “I Wish…”

  1. i still love giving and receiving gifts and i’m way over 12! just to let loved ones know how special they are, but i like giving gifts during the entire year not just at holidays. plus i love all the traditions with christmas and of course what it means to me spiritually. luckily i don’t have to travel to see family though!

  2. Yep, apart from the parents getting late gifts, I’m shopping for ME this year… and I’m waiting until New Year’s when everything’s on sale.

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