As the summer months creep up on us you can’t help but think about your giant ass, or not so tight tummy. After all tiny shorts and little tops are so in vogue this season- we need to get our butts into shape! Technically you (okay we) all should have started in March, but we all slip- I just started my semi-ferioucus workout routine a few weeks back.
I always change up my workout so I don’t bored, and in my years of switching it up, I have developed quite a collection. I have been going from Carmen Electra’s Stip Aerobics, to Mtv Yoga– that stuff is all fine and good but if you really want a hard body fast; crazy ole Billy Blanks is totally the way to go. I purchased the Boot Camp Dvd’s when I was trying avoid holiday weight gain. Man! As crazy and hard as it is- it works. I highly recommend it for a quick fix, considering the pools open in about 2 weeks.